Tuesday, February 19, 2019

House On Mango Street Essay example -- essays research papers

Womens Escape into Misery Womens need for male prolong and their husbands constant degradation of them was a recurring subject field in the book House on mango tree avenue. Many of Esperanzas stories were ab bulge out womens dreams of marrying, the perfect husband and having the perfect family and home. chap, Rafaela, and Minerva are women who gave me the printing process of damsels in distress.CLICH& group AEacute, its ok though. Its relevant They wished for a man to sweep them of their feet and rescue them from their present misery. These characters are excite and bulletproof but they are unable to run away the repression of the surrounding environment. *Cisneros presents a rigid world in which they lived in, and left them no new(prenominal) look forward to but to get married. Esperanza, however, is a very tough girlfriend who knows what she hopes. She will keep dreaming and striving until she gets it. She says, "I am too strong for her Mango Street to keep me her e" (110). Esperanza learned from all of these women that she was non going to be tied down. She verbalize, & deoxyadenosine monophosphatequotI have decided not to uprise up tame like the others who lay their necks on the threshold postponement for the ball and chain&type Aquot (88). **Especially after seeing that Sally was suffering so much. Sallys father is making her want to leave home by beating her. Sally &quotsaid her mother rubs lard on the places were it hurts&quot (93). at that place is not rich lard in the world to be able to cure the ail within Sallys heart. Sally, &quotmet a marshmallow salesman at a school bazaar&quot (101). Pretty soon &quot pass got married, she has her house now, her pillowcases and her plates&quot (101). Her marriage seems to free her from her father, but in pragmatism she has now stepped into a world of misery. This was supposed to help her heal &quot she says she is in love, but I think she did it to escape.&quo t (101). Unlike the other women Sally has no escape, no poetry, not even papaya coconut meat juice, not to mention, &quot he does not let her look out the window&quot (102). That is why &quotshe sits at home because she is terror-struck to go outside without his permission.&quot(102). Rafaelas situation also involves fetter in her own home. Cisneros introduced us to Rafaela, a young beautiful girl whose expectations from marriage were to obtain a sweet home to live in. Instead... ...pquot cutthroat roots beneath the ground&quot (74). Like the trees ??? (I dont get the reference to the trees) these are, &quotFour who reach and do not forget to reach. Four whose only reason is to be and be&quot (75). These characters are inspiring and strong but they are unable to escape the repression of the surrounding environment. The only tree that was able to escape Mango Street was Esperanza. Her last words demonstrated growth as an independent woman. She concludes &q uotShe does not hold me with both arms. She sets me free&quot (110). This was good There were minor corrections that I corrected, but didnt make a note of it(like commas). If u have any ?s call me n let me know Nataly Buenrostro Writing 1 October 9, 2000 House on Mango Street Critical Analysis Professor Peterson I made umteen changes to my draft. First of all I made Esperanza a stronger focal nous of my paper. I made it clear that she was the strong one in the book. I made the transitions have more of a flow by mentioning more events that involved Esperanza. I tried to make my subjects better known and my thesis clearer by stating more facts. I showed a lot more and told less.

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