Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Symbol of the South :: essays papers

The Symbol of the secThe battle personal identification number of the South stands above the capitol building in Columbia, SC. It waves proudly, echoing the lives and blood of workforce who sacrificed everything they were, and everything they had for something they believed in. They fought v eitheriantly and bravely to protect their homeland, and to gain independence of the Union. The peg stands there, not as a symbol of hate, racial inequality, or blood-thirsty war, but as a symbol speculateing the rich South and the men who gave everything for it. Black and white, Indian, Irish and English, so many fought in the war. Blacks stood, shoulder to shoulder, with white men. Their blood is embedded as deeply as any white mans in the gladiolus of the Confederacy. We every last(predicate) bleed red, the blood of many races were mingled on those ghostly battlefields when the smoke cleared. Removing the flag from where it has stood for over 60 years would be wish saying that all of th ose men had given their lives for naught. Perhaps it would not have been best for the South to have won the war, but we should respect and uphold the men who fought so bravely for their cause. The mistaken radical that the Civil War was about thraldom is one of the many causes that the flags right to be above the capitol is questioned. This mistaken idea often causes problems between the races of this state. Slavery was wrong. I would never try to relinquish it, because it can not be justified. It was simply wrong, God made us all equal. A human being was never intended to be treated like an animal, animals even were not meant to be treated like slaves. Slavery is a sensitive area, but the flag does not reflect this. The war was about the Souths right to make its stimulate laws, and to be rid from the Union. There were many Black soldiers there in the Confederacy of their own will. They loved the South just as any white man. The flag means to harm to black people it is there representing many lives of blacks who died in the war as well Most of the white men who fought in the war did not even own slaves. The very high majority were not slave owners at all.

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