Saturday, March 9, 2019

Antigone Essay

Remember those people who perpetually thought they were right, and they always ended up in trouble for it? I Sophocles play Antigone, the main characters Antigone and Creon show how being so hubris can be tragic to your life. Set back in ancient Greece an epic mesh takes place and brothers end up killing each other. One was allowed a proper burial, yet Polyinesis was not. Antigone felt disappointed by this and decided to swallow up them yet Creon the newly appointed male monarch did not appreciate the determine breaking. Due to the fact that Antigone and creon exhibited excessive pride, their lives were ruined.Antigones arrogance and brashness lastly led to her death. For example, on Creons first day as king he made a decree that no one should disguise Polyneisis body. When Antigone heard this, she went to Ismene and asked for her help yet Ismene refused and called her a criminal. Antigone still disagreed, But I will bury him and if I must die, I say that this discourtesy is saintly I shall lie down with him in death(673,55-57) This turn out that Antigone was cocky and she was sort of stating that all her wrong doings ar holy she is referring to herself as always being right. This affected her though distorting her view on life.In addition to her argument with Ismene, Antigone because was caught in the act of conceal Polyniesis and was brought in and questioned by Creon. And you Antigone, with your head hanging do you confess this social occasion(679, 53) When Antigone didnt deny her crime and boasted to the king and the elders, It proves how narcissistic that she is. If she would experience not been so boastful I doubt that Croen would have been so boisterous to Antigone. Furthermore, Creon then calls in Ismene to protest against her crime as well. Creon started o bank that she helped Antigone to plot against him.Ismene then lied and said she did help to Antigones surprise. Antigone set about outraged and denied her hand in the deed. Ismene i s displeased in antigones punishment, Do you refuse me, Antigone? I want to die with you I too have a duty that I must discharge to the dead(681, 138). Antigone was then enraged further and rebelled against Ismene, You shall not lessen my death by share it(681, 139) Antigone is showing self centered and concided she was. She believed that she was so important because she did the right affair by the gods that no one should die except her because she was special.However, Antigone was not the unaccompanied major character with this flaw. This proves how arrogance can really damage anyones life just like it did to Antigone and Creons. Pride and the excess of it played a big role in this play, being the tragic flaw of some(prenominal) main characters arrogance is not only a big serving of this play but also our history, there will always be people who can never be wrong. Many people are just like Creon and Antigone, Always thinking they are right. Is your life headed for a fate just like Antigones plot?

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