Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What is current macroeconomic situation in the U.S Essay

What is current macroeconomic line in the U.S - Essay ExampleOver the period of time, the unemployment rank in US averaged just oer 5% however, during September 2011, the unemployment rate reached over 9%1 purposeing that despite measures taken by the government, unemployment aim is rising.The overall growth rate of GDP has not been encouraging as the growth during the current twelvemonth has further slowed down due to depressed aggregate demand as well as high levels of inflation. The overall forecasts for the growth rates during the current year are less than 4% thus suggesting that the miserliness may further slow down as the growth rates fall and inflation increases.In order to deal with the problem, US government has undertaken a restricted expansionary policy under which fiscal remark has been provided to the economy. At the start of the crisis, Bush administration has introduced a tax cut fiscal expansion platform to stimulate the economy. After that a further fiscal expansion package was introduced to save the financial establishment from collapse during 2009 and a further tax cut and unemployment fund extension package was introduced during 2010. (The New York Times, 2011). These attempts suggest that the US government undertook fiscal expansion in order to stimulate the economy and provide the unavoidable launching pad for the economy to pick up. However, despite such(prenominal) measures, economy has not responded and as such the overall growth rates remained depressed.The monetary policy also remained expansionary in nature wherein FED decreased it policy rate to almost zero. Reduction in discount rate critically reduced the overall interest rates within the economy thus allowing the economy to get stimulus. Low interest rates were also meant to encourage consumer spending on credit so that the overall aggregate demand could be increased. Apart from this, FED also continued with the policy of quantitative easing under which fictitious c oin was created to increase the

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